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2018 Winter Bazaar

Dear Diplomatic Friends, Sponsors, Visitors of the Winter Bazaar, Volunteers, Friends and Members of the International Women's Club

Thanks to your commitment, hard work and generosity the Winter Charity Bazaar of 2018 was once again a great success. We succeeded in creating a fun and festive environment enjoyed by visitors and stall holders alike.
In 2018, visitors found 22 international stalls selling traditional food and products, and the rooms were a hubbub of activity as visitors wandered from stall to stall, sampling, tasting, bargaining and buying. The Grand Raffle had over 150 exciting prizes and the Lucky draw was a lot of fun.

We should not forget to mention the wonderful entertainment provided by the jazz ensemble Daniela Fanelli and David Post, an energetic dance performance by the Salsa Twins, and for the younger members of the audience, a puppet show by the Society of St Ioasaf and the Children’s Play Room.
The Winter Bazaar is an avenue for supporting local charities not only through the money raised, but every year we are able to provide space for several charities to have their own stalls – an opportunity for us to help promote them through the wider public, and for them to raise a little bit of money for themselves.
In closing, I would like to express a heartfelt thank-you to all who participated in and supported the 2018 Winter Bazaar. I cannot put into words how grateful we are for your help and support.

We hope to count on your support again for the 2019 Winter Bazaar.

Warm regards,

Madita Stoer
Chair of the Winter Bazaar Organising Committee

2018 Winter Bazaar Sponsors

Have a look at the list of sponsors of the 2018 Winter Bazaar. Without them the Bazaar would not have been possible. We cannot thank them enough for their support.

2018 Winter Bazaar Gallery

Take a look at a selection of images of the 2018 Winter Bazaar taken by photographer Sergey Kroitoru.


The 2017 Winter Bazaar took place on Sunday the 26th November 2017. Once again the Astoria Hotel generously hosted this wonderful event.


Let US KnOW If You want to help with the bazaar, sponsor it or have questions.