About us
Club Activities
Social Activities
Charity Activities
Winter Bazaar
Members Only
Contact Us
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Phone Number
An organization for expats living in St Petersburg, Russia
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About us
Club Activities
Social Activities
Charity Activities
Winter Bazaar
Members Only
Contact Us
Membership Renewal Form
Membership Period
The membership fee is only covering the cost of communication tools like webpage and questionnaires. The cost is over $200 per year. We will keep everything transparent and will let you know the leftover in Rubles.
Full Year (1 Sep 2024- 31 Aug 2025) membership fee:1000 Rubel.
Tell Us About Yourself
First Name
Last Name
(this can be your past or current profession)
Do you work/foresee working here?
If yes, which company?
Have you had any changes to your information since the last time you provided us details?
Updates to existing information
Changes in email address, phone number, etc?
Tell Us About Your Family
Have you had any changes to your family since the last time you provided us your details?
Updates to existing information
Birth year of new family member, children no longer living in SP, pet addition, etc...
Volunteering for club activities
Are there any areas where you would actively participate in the IWC?
We're always looking for active members!
being part of the executive team
organizing activities and meetings
helping wherever it’s needed
I can support you with webpage input and design
I would like to support with memberships
What kind of activities would you like to see the club organize?
Any feedback and ideas that would enhance our activities are very welcome!
Do you have any special talents or skills that you would like to share with other members?
Joining our WhatsApp group for members only
We have a public WhatsApp group" Friends" for old and new members. Since the Facebook is blocked in Russian, now we decided to set up additionally "Members only" WhatsApp group to replace the Facebook private group, in order to stay up to date with special announcements and activities. Please let us know if you want to be added.
I've already been added to WhatsApp "Friends" group.
I would like to be added on WhatsApp members only group too.
I don't use WhatsApp.
I don't want to be added to the group.
Member's Directory
Please note that your name, country, telephone number and email will appear on the Member’s directory only been seen by executive team members. It will not be distributed openly. Please let us know if you do not wish to give out information to other members without contacting you personally.
I don’t want my contact information being distributed to others without being asked.
Confirm Membership
By filling out this form I understand that:
Submission of this application does not grant automatic acceptance. Membership is subject to review of the Executive Committee and is final after the reception of the indicated fee. In order to maintain my Club membership and all of its benefits (e.g. bulletins, membership lists, interest groups, etc.) I must renew my membership annually. I am required to wear my name tag/badge at all General Meetings. Membership is not transferable nor refundable.
The IWC's Constitution contains principles and precedents on how the Club operates. This document can accessed at any time via the IWC website (https://www.iwcstpete.com/). I have read (will read) this document to ensure I understand.
Thank you!