Upsala Circus

IWC Charity Committee Representative | Linda Mellner


We have redesigned our training sessions to comply with online format. At the moment we maintain regular training schedule for 100 beneficiaries: at-risk youngsters and children with special needs.

We keep focused at artistic products to be produced within the current circus year. For example, the Newcomers continue preparations to their Carnival performance (here is an example video session prepared by Artistic Director Roman Alexandrov on how to make a personal Carnival mask at home). The Juniors have finished production of their Pop-up Circus performance just before the pandemic began. And now they are suggesting various ideas how they may present it online to vulnerable people in hospices, hospitals or other social institutions.

We launched a regular online café “Circus at home” — these are evening informal meetings via Zoom where youngsters, pedagogues, trainers and even family members just share their thoughts and emotions, play games, discuss anything they want to speak about. Before the pandemic, such activities constituted a precious and significant part of circus atmosphere. And we managed to maintain this feeling of community and membership at the times of home lockdown.

We launched a special Telegram-channel (link may not be available to everyone) for youngsters, team members and the whole circus community. We use it to share various types of content from recommended videos (circus shows, animation, films) to funny stories from the circus life and circus members. In the channel we post videos and photos of home trainings and individual achievements of the circus youngsters as well.

Eventually, we succeeded in keeping physical training regime and emotional attachment in the online circus space. We receive plenty of inspiring feedback from the parents. They say that our online program is very well organized, creatively designed and as much engaging and empowering for their children as one could ever imagine.

DONATE directly from anywhere in the world. Every amount counts, especially during these hard times:

For further information, please contact Victoria Sarycheva, Fundraiser at Also follow us on Facebook and Instagram


(Photos above:  Lyusya is 12 years old and came to Upsala-Circus 2,5 years ago. She lives in a foster family. During the pandemic she learnt to ride a unicycle and practice circus at home regularly)