Podari Mne Krylia

IWC Charity Committee Representative | Anastasia Tyapina


Podari Mne Krylia ("Give Me Wings” in English) Since 2017, we have been helping children and adolescents over 7 years old from orphanages to adapt to real life. With age, the chances of adoption for such children are decreasing, so they have to prepare for adulthood on their own, without the support of family and friends.

Annually 20 thousand children leave orphanages in Russia. 40% of them go to prison, another 40% become homeless, 10% commit suicide. And only 10% realize themselves.

One of the main problems of orphans in orphanages and orphanages is the lack of attention of adults, who can give parental love, enable children to be heard and help them decide who they will become in the future. We want more graduates from orphanages to be able to fully live in society.

The mission of the foundation:  to draw public attention to the problems of children and adolescents who are in shelters, orphanages, as well as those who find themselves in difficult life situations; assist in their socialization, adaptation and self-realization.

The wards of the foundation are people of different ages, nationalities, professions and interests. But they are united by one common quality - the stubbornness of the spirit. Despite serious health problems, loss of loved ones, tragic accidents, these people do not give up. They set goals for themselves and, overcoming obstacles, achieve success.

“Man is not a given. This is an effort, ”said Viktor Frankl. And if you are used to achieving your goals, then you know how much courage and will is required for this.

Our wards need more effort than others to make their dreams come true. But when these people win, their success helps everyone in trouble to believe in themselves. Therefore, they deserve our help and support - the wings that we can give them.

Assistance options range from financial contributions to personal professional competencies. We invite everyone who is willing to share their capabilities, knowledge and experience with our wards for cooperation. And we are very pleased that our foundation is becoming a community of like-minded people, where the strong help the strong.

DONATE directly from anywhere in the world. Every amount counts, especially during these hard times: https://bfpmk.ru/kak-pomoch/

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